New Beginnings operates under the Canadian non-profit charitable organization, Stevenson Ministries Foundation – New Beginnings.
We are able to accept secure online donations and payments via PayPal.
Donate by Cheque
Please make cheques payable to Stevenson Ministries Foundation – New Beginnings
Mailing Address:
New Beginnings
401 – 274 McConachie Dr.
Edmonton, AB
T5Y 3N4
Donate through TD-Canada Trust
You may make your donation at any TD-Canada Trust branch.
First, deposit your donation to the following account:
Then email [email protected] and provide the following information:
Donate through the United Way / GCWCC-CCMTGC
How do you make your donation?
Anyone can make a donation to New Beginnings using the Charitable donation #84557 1298 RR0001 through United Way.
Federal public servants can donate through GCWCC by completing a gift form, which is available in all federal workplaces across the country during the annual September to November campaign period. Your donation will appear on your T4 slip, the following year, so you don’t have to keep track of multiple receipts.
Donations can be made, by cheque, to Christ Church. Please footnote the cheque to indicate the donation is to New Beginnings. Christ Church will provide the tax receipt to the donor and the donation to New Beginnings.
The mailing address is:
Christ Church
P.O. Box 326
Muskogee, Ok. 74402
Online US Donations are now available…
You may also use CanadaHelps to make your donations online securely processed by CanadaHelps. You can make your donation through CanadaHelps by choosing
or choosing any of the buttons below.
Simply enter your email address and you will be automatically added to our email distribution list.
Email: [email protected]
New Beginnings
401 – 274 McConachie Dr.
Edmonton, AB
T5Y 3N4
© Copyright 2020
New Beginnings Mexico