New Beginnings hopes to break the poverty cycle and fill the spiritual void existing in underprivileged communities by focusing on these four cornerstones: educational support, physical support, spiritual support, and
income generating opportunities.
New Beginnings assists in meeting the needs of families for food, medical care, and housing. Through our daily lunch program 200+ adults and children receive a nutritional meals. Over 100 bags of groceries and vegetables are distributed weekly.
New Beginnings believes that education is the key to changing the future of this community. We support children by providing tuition, uniforms, back packs and school supplies for the Public School education. We also offer class room assistance for the before and after school programs at La Escuelita.
Weekly Church services and Sunday School classes are held at both locations.Bible study and discussion groups are held twice a week. Sunday school is held at both Churches and are filled to capacity. NIV Spanish Bibles are provided / distributed to adults and children.
We offer income generation opportunities like the Jewelry and Sewing projects. Local skilled men are hired to work as repair men, on construction projects or to help within the Church / Community Center.
New Beginnings hosts visitors who desire to volunteer their services. As well, New Beginnings will encourage and enable visitors to volunteer at other locations, such as orphanages, daycares, safe houses etc. in the Puerto Vallarta area. If you are interested or wish further information, please use the Contacts page to connect with us.